Outdoor Burning
Backyard burning inside McKenzie Fire & Rescue Fire District

*As of Monday October 21, 2024 ODF has declared Fire Season over - Please check with LRAPA daily for Backyard Burning restrictions*
Check lrapa.org for more information.
Open burning in Lane County is governed by rules and regulations of the Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA), the State Fire Marshal, and local fire districts. LRAPA regulates open burning in Lane County to minimize impacts of air quality and smoke in the local airshed. LRAPA, the State Fire Marshal and/or McKenzie Fire & Rescue may prohibit all burning at any time due to high fire danger or adverse atmospheric conditions.
In accordance with provisions of ORS 478.960, a blanket permit for burning is hereby issued to residents of McKenzie Fire & Rescue’s District. The blanket burn permit is generally valid from October 1st through June 15th.
LRAPA Daily Burning Advisory
***Call the daily burning advisory line BEFORE you ignite your fire***
541-726-3976 (press 4 for local burn area)
More Outdoor Burning information is available on the LRAPA website.
McKenzie Fire & Rescue Regulations
Backyards: Woody yard debris only
Agricultural: Notify McKenzie Fire & Rescue
No burn shall contain prohibited materials, including but not limited to, garbage, plastics, wire insulation, asbestos-containing materials, tires, automobile parts, asphalts, petroleum products, treated wood, rubber, or animal remains
Burning in barrels is prohibited
All burning must be constantly attended until extinguished
All burning must be extinguished by sunset
Must have charged hose line present
50 feet from any structure
No burn shall create a public nuisance or hazard
Logging Slash is regulated by Oregon Department of Forestry. Call 541-726-3588 prior to burning.
Remember that backyard burns have to be banked down or out at dusk but Agricultural and Slash burns are legal to burn until the material is gone.