Wildland Fire & Fire Weather Information
Looking for wildland fire information?

Watch Duty - Available as an app for your phone, tablet, PC
Alert West - Fire Cameras
ODF - South Cascade District - Oregon Department of Forestry
Red Flag Warning and Fire Weather Zone Information:
Fire Weather Watch
A Fire Weather Watch is issued to alert fire officials and firefighters of potentially dangerous fire weather conditions within the next 24 to 36 hours. They are issued when the following three criteria are met:
1) Surface relative humidity (RH) less than 30 % for VA and MD; RH less than or equal to 25% for WV AND
2) Sustained surface wind of 20 MPH or greater AND
3) 10-hour fuel moisture less than 8% for VA; less than or equal to 8% for MD and WV
Red Flag Warning
A Red Flag Warning is issued to alert fire officials and firefighters of potentially dangerous fire weather conditions within the next 12 to 24 hours. They are issued when the following three criteria are met:
1) Surface relative humidity (RH) less than 30 % for VA and MD; RH less than or equal to 25% for WV AND
2) Sustained surface wind of 20 MPH or greater AND
3) 10-hour fuel moisture less than 8% for VA; less than or equal to 8% for MD and WV
Fire Weather Zone Map - National Weather Service
To assist you in locating the Fire Weather Zone you are in, we have overlayed a mapto help you pinpoint better!